A Parent’s Guide to Flu Season

We’re back into flu season. And while a lot of people accept the flu as inevitable, maybe they shouldn’t. Because the flu can develop into much more serious conditions, like pneumonia and bronchitis. It can worsen existing medical conditions, like asthma. And it can even result in hospitalization. But it doesn’t have to come to […]

How to Get Your Kids on Board with Chores

At one point or another, you’ve probably heard someone make the joke, “I don’t want you to do the dishes. I want you to WANT to do the dishes.” That comes from the movie The Break-Up, but it speaks to a challenge that’s straight out of real life: it’s hard to get kids to help […]

Have Fun This Winter Without Breaking the Bank

The wind is blowing, the trees are bare, and there’s a chill in the air. It’s wintertime in Indianapolis! Many people tend to use the colder weather as an excuse to curl up under a blanket on the couch and watch TV. And while this is a great way to feel cozy on occasion, it […]

An Overview of Dyslexia, ADHD, and Autism

Dyslexia. ADHD. Autism. What do they have in common? They’re all forms of neurodiversity, which according to Harvard Medical School, means that “people experience the world in different ways. And there’s not just one right way to think, learn, and behave.” Neurodiversity is a lot more common than you might think, and as you’re raising […]

How Classroom Attendance Leads to a Brighter Future

Welcome back! It’s September, and that means your kids are officially back in school. But are they back in school consistently? The Department of Education states that 1 out of every 6 kids is chronically absent. So, in honor of Attendance Awareness Month, let’s take a moment to focus on the importance of classroom attendance. […]

Supporting Black Business Month in Indianapolis

For years, people have been encouraging you to support your local businesses. But have you also been supporting Black-owned businesses? If this hasn’t been a priority in the past, now is a great time to change that—because August is National Black Business Month! Why It’s Important to Support Black Businesses Black-owned businesses are a vital […]

How to Use Summer Break to Help Kids Make Academic Gains

When you’re a kid, nothing’s more exciting than summer break. You get to play outside, have a blast with no responsibilities, and make memories that last a lifetime. But it’s also important to keep on learning. As the American Educational Research Journal explains, students can lose up to 34% of the prior year’s academic gains […]

Juneteenth 101

The Black Lives Matter Movement. Holding corporate America accountable for diversity in the workplace. Calling for more positive representation in film and TV. Equality has become a part of the national conversation in a big way in the last couple of years. And so has the progress that comes with it. But there’s one special […]