Discovering Black History: A Reading List for Kids
Happy Black History Month! While it’s important to celebrate Black achievements year-round, February is an extra special time to celebrate the stories, achievements, and voices of Black people throughout history. It’s also the perfect chance to introduce your kids to entertaining and inspiring books that will help them learn more about Black history and the […]
The Story Behind Martin Luther King Jr. Day
It’s always great to have a day off of school or work, and we have one coming up this month! You’ve almost certainly heard of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and know a little about why he’s so important. But why do we get a whole day off just to celebrate him and his accomplishments? […]
What Celebrations Make up the Holiday Season?
The holiday season is officially in full swing. But which holidays are we talking about? Christmas tends to get most of the attention this time of year, but there are a few other cultural celebrations that deserve the spotlight, too. So, this month we decided to give them the attention they deserve! Do you celebrate […]
A Brief Introduction to Native American Heritage Month
Did you know that humans have lived in North and South America for between 20,000-30,000 years? People who are descended from those first inhabitants are known as Native Americans, or sometimes American Indians, First Americans, or Indigenous Americans. And almost 10 million Native Americans live in the U.S. today! But a lot of people still […]
A Family’s Guide to Fire Safety
Unfortunately, somewhere in the United States, a house fire just started. And by the time you’re done reading this article, another house fire will have started. According to the National Fire Prevention Association, a house fire starts every 88 seconds. They’re very common, and they can be devastating. But, thankfully, they’re also very preventable. In […]
It’s Hispanic Heritage Month!
Did you know that every year, from September 15th to October 15th, is National Hispanic Heritage Month in the US? This is a fun and festive time in which we celebrate Hispanic and Latinx culture and recognize the contributions of all the Latino, Latina, and Latinx people living in our country. Read on for a […]
9 Ways to Get Your Kids Hooked on Books
Reading is magical—it can help make kids smarter, kinder, and happier. Reading is a great way to develop their young brains and bring out their best (click here for more info on why reading is so important for children). But getting your kids to read—that’s easier said than done in this digital age when smartphones, […]
So, What’s a Charter School Anyway?
If you’re a parent, and you’re looking into schools for your kids, you’ve probably already looked into public and private schools. But there’s actually a third option that’s somewhere in between. We’re talking, of course, about charter schools. This article gives you a brief overview of charter schools and explains why they’re such a great […]