Get in the Spirit with These 7 DIY Holiday Decorations for Kids

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  • The festive season is nearly upon us, and we’re already starting to see all sorts of holiday decorations in store aisles and shop windows. There’s so much fun stuff out there, but on top of all the other holiday expenses, decorating may not make it into the budget. So why not make them yourself? It’s […]

    Protecting Your Kids from Bullying

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  • On some level, “kids will be kids.” And that means a lot of laughing, teasing, and joking around. But when does it cross the line? When does it stop being fun? When does it turn into bullying? In honor of National Bullying Awareness Month in October, this month’s article walks you through the basics of […]

    Start Your Kids’ Morning Off Right with These Simple Breakfasts

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  • We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is true, and  it’s especially important for kids. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids who eat a healthy breakfast tend to have better memory, a better attention span, and better test scores. Getting everyone ready in the mornings can […]

    Favorite Books for Kids in K-8th Grade

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  • Reading for Fun All Year Long So, your kids made it through their summer reading list. But there are plenty of reasons to keep reading for fun year-round. According to Healthline, reading can increase your child’s IQ, their sense of empathy, and their vocabulary. It can also improve their memory, their sleep quality, and even […]

    Keeping Kids Busy in Indy This Summer

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  • Not only does school give kids an education, it also gives them structure. So, when summer rolls around, and all of that structure suddenly goes out the window, what’s your child supposed to do all day? Here are just a few, screen-free ways to keep your kids busy and entertained all summer long.  Activities They […]

    A Family-Friendly Juneteenth in Indianapolis

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  • Every year on June 19th, we celebrate a very important holiday called Juneteenth. But it’s not just an important day in Black history—it’s also an important day in American history. It started all the way back in 1863, when American slaves were freed through the Emancipation Proclamation. But here’s what often gets lost in the […]

    A Go-to Guide of Resources for Indy’s Parents

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  • If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re a parent. And even though that might sound like it’s just one job, it’s really more like a thousand. Because in the eyes of our children, we’re mentors, motivational speakers, and life coaches. We’re chefs and chauffeurs, providers and disciplinarians. Simply put, we’re their everything. And […]

    10 Simple Ways to Protect the Environment From Home

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  • There might be as many as two trillion planets in the observable universe. And as far as we can tell, there’s only one that can actually sustain life: ours. That’s why it’s so important for us to take care of this place—there are no other options. In honor of Earth Month, this article gives you […]